Monday, February 20, 2006
Meme Splicing
"Wait a minute, Juanita. Make up your mind. This Snow Crash thing -- is it a virus, a drug or a religion?"
Juanita shrugs. "What's the difference?"-- Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash
Meme splicing: If we take the definition that memes encompass DNA, software programs, and ideas; then this just sums up not just what I do for a living but artists, writers, and teachers as well. Also politicians, pigeon breeders, and cooks (think: recipe as program, transforming them into food is the compilation, eating them as program execution ;) )...
A doctor friend of mind once mentioned that except for trauma, almost all the things that kill us are genetic in origin (from diseases like diabetes to virus borne stuff like Ebola). Medicine, by extending our lifespan, influences which genes (read: memes) continue to be replicated from generation to generation...